- 1. Content and Use of the Partbook-Viewer
- 2. Searching
- 3. List of Results and Browsing Functionality
- 4. Functionality of the Partbook-Viewer
- 5. Contact
1. Content and Use of the Partbook-Viewer
Most of the polyphonic vocal and instrumental music prints from the 16th and 17th centuries have been published
in the manifestation form of partbooks. The partbook-viewer of the BSB has been developed as an adequate
online presentation tool for ca. 1,300 musical partbooks from the BSB, which have been catalogued and
digitized in the DFG-project Printed sources of polyphonic music (1501-1700) from the Bavarian
State Library between 2012 and 2016. In addition a further DFG-project from 2015 to 2018 enabled the library to digitize the partbook manuscripts from the Late Middle Ages to the Renaissance. On the occasion of this later project the viewer has been upgraded to present the more deeply indexed manuscripts.
The OPACplus of the Bavarian State Library ( is the main
research tool for the catalogue entries of printed music and to an increasing extent also for music
manuscripts, including access to the digitized form of the musical
sources. The search interface of the partbook-viewer uses a shortened catalogue entry.
The default presentation tool for music prints and manuscripts in the form of partbooks is the
partbook-viewer. The
partbook-viewer offers an access to the standard viewer of the Bavarian State Library as well.
2. Searching
2.1 Basic Search
Search in the fields title, composer, shelfmark and year.
2.2 Search interface
Four search fields are available which are automatically joined by the operator „and“.
Possible search with key words and strings without wildcards.
Name of the composer or editor of a work. Possible search with prename and/or surname.
Fill in the shelf mark of the copy in the Bavarian State Library. Automatic truncation to the right. (e.g.: 4 48). May be refined by using precise shelfmarks (e.g.: 4 131#Beibd.1). Please note that most signature groups (,, Liturg., etc.) need a compulsory format information for folio and quarto formats whereas the leading digit can be missing in the octavo format (2 / 4 /
Year of publication
Year dates with four characters. Automatic truncation to the right with two or three characters and '*'.
Search strategies:
- 1523
- 152*
- 15*
- 1510-1578
- -1670
- 1630-
Use the drop-down for searching prints, manuscripts or both of them.
2.3 New search
Reset all fields in the search interface.
3. List of Results and Browsing Functionality
The list of search results will be created automatically. Each result record is supplemented by a thumbnail
image of the cover or the first page of the source.
The hyperlinked fields composer, shelfmark and year may be used for browsing.
The button activates the presentation of the digitized source using the part-book-viewer.
4. Functionality of the Partbook-Viewer
All part books of one music publication (one bibliographical entity) are shown simultaneously on one screen.
Primary Navigation Bar
The primary navigation bar (on top of the screen) gives information on the shelfmark, composer, title,
persistent URN and the number of images of the complete digitized source.
Coordinated page turns for one or five pages
(forward or back) or jumping to the first or last image of every part book on the screen.
The symbol creates a list of the partbooks
contained in the digitized source, which can be switched on or off using the buttons
Switch to the standard viewer of the
MDZ, a surface equipped with several
functions like the presentation of two face-in-face pages on one screen.
The symbol leads back from the viewer surface to
the start page of the part-book search interface.
The symbol will be generated when at least one part book
contains an original index page. A click on the symbol shows all original index pages of the source.
The symbol is present when a digital table of contents allows
to click on single titles via drop-down
Individual navigation tool
Each single part book section on the screen has an own, individual navigation tool.
5. Contact
Bavarian State Library
Digital Library/Munich DigitiZation Center/Digital Preservation
Head: Dr. Markus Brantl
Ludwigstraße 16
80539 Munich
E-Mail: mdz[at]
Music Department
Head: Dr. Reiner Nägele
Ludwigstraße 16
80539 München
Fax: +49 89 28638-2479
E-Mail: musik[at]